Vikings Season 4: Rollo Will Face Bjorn’s Wrath, Aslaug Gains Power, Sibling Rivalry between Ragnar’s Sons!

Aslaug was left back as the Queen of Denmark is Ragnar’s absence and now that she has tasted power and has been able to come out of the shadow of her husband, she is not easily going to go back to the background again letting Ragnar have the lead.

Ragnar and Aslaug have been having trouble in their marriage for a while now and by the looks of it, things are going to end for the two. Michael Hirst, the showrunner for Vikings, has told Vine Report that Aslaug is an important character to watch out for in Vikings Season 4.

Hirst has also added that there is going to be a new woman who will capture Ragnar’s attention in the upcoming season. Ragnar is going to meet a Chinese slave in Paris and will be captivated by her exotic charm. Yidu, has been captured in the Red Sea and Ragnar is going to bring her to Kattegat with him.

Viking Season 4 is all about sibling rivalry. This season will see not only Ragnar and Rollo pitted against one another, but also the two sons of Ragnar will be at war with each other. Bjorn is set to become the king of Denmark since Ragnar has been badly injured at the Paris siege.

With Ragnar badly injured and recuperating from his wounds, the people of Kattegat are believed to ask Ragnar to step down from his throne in favor of his eldest son Bjorn. With Bjorn taking up the reign, there will be a lot of people who will be against this move.

Ivor, Ragnar’s second son isn’t going to take this decision to have Bjorn on the throne easily. He will fight to not remain under Bjorn’s rule. The brothers are going to clash and things will look terrible. Ragnar will be kept helplessly watching as his sons clash with each other.

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