Suits is an American legal drama televisions series that has been written and created by Aaron Korsh. The series is produced by Universal Cable and it made its debut on the cable network of USA on June 23, 2011. Suits has been renewed for a sixth season and it will premiere in the recent future.
A trailer has already been released for the upcoming season. However, the trailer did not provide much insight into the upcoming season. It was seen in the finale of the previous season that Mike Ross pleaded guilty for his crimes.
He has been sentenced to two years of imprisonment for his crimes. In the video, he could be seen trying to change the things that he did in the past. It also portrays the different occurrences that had a significant effect on the life of Mike.
The trailer has been titled- “Some Lies Can’t Be Undone”. A number of important characters of the show are shown in the video. Mike ends up in prison for lying which eventually catches up to him. He made some rash decisions and the firm was about to fall apart as a result of his decisions.
He was set to be pronounced innocent, however, he decided to plead guilty. He ended up behind bars as a result of his decision. His decision came as a disappointment to the others. The trailer will also show how Jessica comes to know about the lies that have been told by Mike Ross.
Mike Ross took the fall for the rest of his team who too had some involvement in the scam. In order to save the firm and the rest of his colleagues, Mike decided to plead guilty.
It is known that Rachel Zane and Mike Ross are quite close to each other. It is clear that both of them have romantic feelings for each other. They were supposed to get married, however, that remained from happening in the finale of the previous season. The video highlights their relation with each other and it could be that the duo could finally be seen tying the knots in the upcoming season.
Showrunner Aaron Korsh had earlier stated that there will not be any time jump when Suits comes back to TV. It was revealed that the show will pick up right from where it was left off in season 5. It will pick up from the very night when it came to an end in the previous season.
He stated- “[The] entire episode as is currently contemplated takes place with Mike’s first night in prison and the first night back at the firm when they’ve come back and it’s empty.”
Korsh had also stated that Mike Ross will be in prison for a considerable period of time. However, he did not reveal whether the show will show all of his time behind bars or whether there would be a time jump at some point in the season.
According to Korsh, they have decided to keep Mike behind bars for a long time so that everyone understands how big a crime he has done.
As for the Pearson Specter Litt office, it has become deserted as all of the partners of the firm has defected. Jessica, Louis, Harvey, Rachel, and Donna will try to pick up the pieces and put the firm back together once again. They will try to bring the firm back to an up and running condition.
However, that path will not be an easy one. Mike’s actions and his decisions will be having some serious consequences and the group at the Pearson Specter Litt will have to overcome them before they can begin the work of rebuilding the firm.