Teen Wolf is an American television series that has been developed by Jeff Davis. The series is based on the Teen Wolf movie that was released in the year of 1985. The fifth season of the show ended some time back and it has been renewed for a sixth season.
Various rumors and spoilers regarding the upcoming season are coming to light as of late. Some previous rumors suggested that fans might be witnessing the appearances of vampires and zombies in the sixth season of the show.
However, the latest reports suggest otherwise. Teen Wolf season 6 will not be featuring any zombies or vampires. During the finale of the previous season, a Nazi werewolf was shown and this led fans into speculating that the upcoming season will feature vampires. The Dread Doctors also made an appearance in the finale and this sparked off rumors that zombies will be shown in the sixth season.
The confirmation in this regard has been received from showrunner Jeff Davis himself. He stated that the show deals with mythological creatures and most of them have the ability of shape shifting. He also added that the villain of the upcoming season will be something that fans will not be expecting.
It was previously reported that One Direction band member Harry Styles will be making an appearance in the upcoming season. However, those rumors were later touted as false and it was stated that Harry Styles will not be joining the cast of Teen Wolf Season 6.
That being said, Jeff Davis stated that the rumors do have a credibility and the showrunners are in talks with the One Direction band member. According to him, they want Harry Styles to play a role in the next season of Teen Wolf.
Some related rumors suggested that Harry Styles will be roped in as the replacement of Dylan O’Brien who was injured while filming for the next installment of Maze Runner movie, that is Maze Runner: The Death Cure.
Dylan O’Brien plays the role of Stiles and his injury dealt a blow to the filming of Teen Wolf Season 6. Davis had earlier stated that Dylan’s injury has not delayed the production process of the show and everything was on schedule.
In the recent past, it was confirmed by him that Dylan O’Brien will be coming back to reprise his role in the sixth season of Teen Wolf. He added that Dylan will be coming back to film for the upcoming season. It was also added by him that Dylan is in much better condition at the moment. However, he will not be able to perform any stunts as he is still recovering from his injuries.
It has also been confirmed that Mason, Corey, Hayden and Liam will be appearing in the upcoming season. It was revealed by him that the character of Theo might be seen leaving the show.
Theo is played by actor Cody Christian and Davis stated fans might not see him for a bit. However, he also added that this will not be the last of him that fans see. In his own words- “Cody was always a pleasure to write for.
And there’s something about writing dialogue for a villain that allows you to tap into your darkest side. It’s kind of cathartic. I may be saying ‘goodbye’ to his character as I step back from the show a bit, but for the audience it may be more of a ‘see you later.’”
He added that the characters will be facing some serious challenges in the upcoming season. he touted the last season as a ‘Monster Movie’ and stated that the next season is going to have more of a psychological thriller type essence to it.