Flash is a popular DC Comic hero and the man responsible for bringing him to television is Greg Berlanti. He is also the producer for both The Flash and Arrow and is also working on the new series based on Supergirl.
In the New York Comic Con, executive producer Ali Adler hinted that there is a chance of the Supergirl series having a crossover with The Flash and Arrow. Melissa Benoist, who plays the Supergirl in the series, might join Grant Gustin and Stephen Amell in a crossover between all the three series.
Apart from crossovers with other superhero characters, The Flash Season 2 will see Flash using Velocity 9. Teddy Sears has informed Yibada that Flash will beat Zoom (Tony Todd), the superfast villain. The serum that will make Barry Allen super fast is going to be developed by Earth 2 Harrison Well and Jay Garrick.
Garrick and Wells don’t get along since Jay realized that it was Wells who caused a particle accelerator explosion that ended up creating metahumans like Zoom. Wells now wants his help to test another formula that might make Barry faster than Zoom.
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