Then again, there’s another pressure of making the book worthwhile. He declared that he wanted to finish ’The Winds of Winter’’ by the end of last year, but he failed. He blames it on a number of interruptions that he has suffered. The author declared that he is taking steps to prevent them from happening again.
Meanwhile, the showrunner, David Benioff appeared at the latest Oxford Union. He declared that even if the show spoiled the events and ending for the fans of the books, the two will exploit things differently and present different impacts to their respective audiences.
At the same time, George R.R Martin announced that he won’t be scripting an episode for season six of Game of Thrones. While writing a script, it takes him three long weeks to finish and even longer when it is not a direct adaptation from the novels. According to him, writing a script for season six will cost him a complete month’s work on ’The Winds of Winter’’.
Do you believe in the projections regarding the release of ’The Winds of Winter’’? Let us know your views in the comments section below!