The upcoming downloadable content for Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros 4 will reportedly introduce a new character. reports that Shantae who is the eponymous primary character from the successful WayForward series will be the next character to be added in the ever-growing roster for Super Smash Bros 4. It will be released for the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U. Matt Bozon, WayForward creative director posted a picture in Twitter showing images of Shantae merchandise being displayed alongside other Nintendo characters.
These famous characters include Donkey Kong, Link from Zelda and Mario. In Twitter, Bozon thanked @NintendoAmerica regarding how Shantae will get to share spaces with gaming’s greatest icons. He further closed his post, saying ‘’See you in Smash’’ and fueling rumors that Shantae might be included Super Smash Bros 4 through DLC content. Nintendo recently released the first ever DLC character for Super Smash Bros 4, featuring MewTwo, the psychic Pokémon.
Meanwhile, Venture Capital Post also reported that a character DLC will add Lucas to Super Smash Bros 4, scheduled to be released in June this year. Reports indicate that Nintendo will keep releasing new DLCs in order to add more characters in the Super Smash Bros franchise. iDigital Times reports that the company is currently running a fighter ballot through which world gamers can submit their suggestions involving characters to be added to this franchise.
As it seems, Nintendo is quite open to the idea of adding characters from non-Nintendo franchises, telling gamers that they can submit any video-game character that they want. Nintendo reported that gamers may not see their suggested character, featured in the next DLC pack, but they do take all forms of feedback under consideration. Meanwhile, reports indicate that a fan-made trailer featuring characters from Dragon Ball Z has been released. Sadly, the same report also indicates that it is highly unlikely for Nintendo to release a Dragon Ball Z DLC.