Joe Morton shares this position with Guillermo Diaz who plays the role of Huck. Huck used to be Olivia Pope’s most trusted Gladiator until he decides to work for Rowan. There are reports that Olivia will find out about his betrayal and remove him from her service.
According to Melty, Guillermo Diaz said that had he been Huck he wouldn’t have come out with the truth until the very end. When asked about the fate of his character, he resonates what Joe Morton had said.
Diaz said that Shonda Rhimes has a tendency to make sudden alterations in the last minute and in such a scenario it is difficult to know what’s in store for his character. There are rumors that Huck will also be killed off by the end of the finale of Scandal Season 5.
With all the serious things associated with Scandal Season 5, there is a slight ray of cheerful news with L.A Times’ report on Envelope Screening Series that featured the cast from Scandal.
While commenting on the news of dancing, Kerry said how much she had enjoyed dancing a lot, but Jake Ballard kept quiet and didn’t say anything more on the issue. He said that Foley looked uncomfortable and he might not have enjoyed it.
Interestingly, I read a Twit post by Shonda Rhimes admonishing fans of her various shows that the shows are make-believe: in other words get a grip. But it seems that she doesn’t take her own advice. Why should someone’s off-screen issues affect the on-screen story: as in the case of Foley and Washington? Really?! It is a sad indictment against the movie industry that actors get a little fame, and become demi-gods; thus, a mega-star is rubbed the wrong way and has an off-screen fit that affects the livelihood of others. Bad examples for the upcoming stars, who will replace the current generation – as did the current generation replace the previous. Professionalism is about learning from one another – not taking out a measuring stick (women engage in measuring stick contest, too.) This isn’t any psyco-babble, it just an observation. Scott Foley is an excellent actor, who brings much to the table. I hope Shondaland doesn’t become Kerryland.