Transformers 5 is going to be the next installment in the popular Transformers franchise of films. All the transformers films that have been released till date have been directed by Michael Bay. The renowned director had previously stated that Transformers 5 is going to be the last film of the franchise that will be directed by him.
He also added that it is always a lot of fun to do a movie that will be watched by numerous people from all over the world. At the same time, he pointed out that it was time for him to move on from the project. He felt that the baton should be passed on to some other director after the upcoming movie.
J.J. Abrams had reportedly told Bay that he was the only person who was capable of handling such an immense franchise. However, Bay himself felt that he needs to let go of the Transformers franchise after Transformers 5.
The scripts for the previous films in the franchise have been penned down by Akiva Goldsman. This time around though, Goldsman is reportedly busy with other projects that include the likes of Micronauts and G.I. Joe.
Art Marcum, Matt Holloway, and Ken Nolan have been roped in by the filmmakers to pen down the script for the upcoming movie. Marcum and Holloway were previously associated with another big-budget franchise- Iron Man, while Ken Nolan was the one who wrote the script for the popular movie Black Hawk Down.
That being said, Akiva Goldsman will be involved with the scripting of the upcoming movie in some form. Marcum, Holloway and Nolan’s work for Transformers 5 will be supervised and coordinated by Goldsman himself.
It was previously reported that Robert Kirkman will also be involved in the script writing process of the movie. However, he had to forego the job due to a throat surgery. Kirkman is the creator of the popular zombie TV series- The Walking Dead which is currently in its sixth season.
In an interview with the Collider, Kirkman himself revealed that he was supposed to be involved with not only Transformers 5, but with future projects of the franchise too. However, a surgery required for his throat forced him to quit the job. He had to quit just before a day the entire writing team was meant to begin the project.
He also revealed that he was offered the job by Lorenzo Di Boneventura. Lorenzo is one of the collective’s leaders in producer. Kirkman added that since he loved Transformers, he readily accepted the offer.
The writing team which includes the likes of Art Marcum, Matt Holloway, Jeff Pinker, Ken Nolan and Akiva Goldsman himself, is supposed to plot out the future course of action for the Transformers franchise
Kirkman was involved with the franchise for just one single day before his medical condition forced him to quit it. He expressed his disappointment at not being able to be involved with such an immense franchise.
At the same time though, he assured fans that the franchise is in great hands and some amazing Transformers stuff are headed towards them in the future.
In other news, the filming of the movie is set to begin in May. The filming will start in the Detroit city of Michigan. However, this will not be the first time that a Transformers movie is filmed in the city.
Three more movies of the franchise namely, Transformers, Transformers: Dark of the Moon and Transformers: Age of Extinction were also filmed there. The most recent one being Transformers: Age of Extinction. A part of the city was completely transformed by the filmmakers to make it look like Honk Kong for Age of Extinction.
The Michigan Film and Media Office and Paramount Pictures had in the past entered into some kind of deal in which the latter was set to receive $42 million as incentives for shooting Transformers 5 in the state.