The last installment in the Arkham series, Batman: Arkham Knight faced a lot of issues with its PC version when it released on Steam.
As a result, the game was taken off the stores till these glitches were actually fixed and removed. Compared to the PC version, the Xbox One and PS4 version were free of major glitches and issues.
However, Gamepur has reported a glitch which affected the PS4 and Xbox One console versions of the game. YouTube user Batman Arkham Videos has shared a video regarding this issue.
The glitch has been named Corner Cover Zipping and further explained that this glitch can be used in Predator AR challenges like Terminal Velocity, Destruction and Under the Pale Moonlight.
With the help of this glitch, players can roam freely with any of the in-game characters in Batman: Arkham Knight, on the Xbox One and PS4 versions of the game.
Players will need to make use of projectile gadgets like Batarang for Batman, Azrael, and Batgirl, Shuriken for Robin, Bolas for Catwoman, Escrima Stick for Nightwing, Laughing Gas for Harley Quinn and Flash Bang Grenade for Red Hood in order to bring this glitch into action.
After this, you need to aim and throw the gadget. When the animation fires up, you must immediately let go of the aim and press X on Xbox One or the square on PS4. This will allow you to cancel the movement and prevent the projectile from being thrown.
After this, players need to aim again as the character crouches and they must move forward or left using the left analog stick. With the help of this, the chosen character will be in the crouching position but at the same time, it would be separated from the wall.
After this, you need to hold down the aim button along with the analog stick in order to throw the gadget.
The player will be pushed towards a certain direction after they get this right. With the help of this, they can get through the walls other kinds of obstacles. In order to properly activate this, players will need to try it several times.
Players can go with the in-game characters once this is activated but keep in mind that they will not be able to fight enemies or access any kind of buildings. Activating this glitch will only allow you to roam around the city.
Meanwhile, revenge is always swift for the Catwoman. The Batman: Arkham Knight Catwoman’s Revenge DLC is pretty short and should take around one and a half hours to complete. It is a self-contained and a quite entertaining story which is set in a toy store. The Toy store has been converted into a robot factory by The Riddler.
This DLC takes a dark, moody, Arkham take on toys, which look more like monsters but the overall setting is a treat to watch. However, the experience is short-lived and doesn’t bring anything new to the Arkham World.
You should know all about the skills possessed by Catwoman if you’ve played Arkham Knight and its predecessor installments.
She can use a whip in combat, move faster than Batman and also crawl along specific parts of a building. In Catwoman’s Revenge, all of these skills are used in a great manner but the environment can appear quite confining at times.
However, Catwoman’s Revenge changes into a more traditional Arkham Knight setting once you have finished sneaking around. The Riddler starts throwing wave after wave of robots at you in an electrified area.
The fight can be quite difficult at first due to the massive number of robots that are thrown at you. At the same time, you can string up some impressive combos with the major opportunities provided to you.
Keep in mind that there is very little you can do in Riddler’s secret factory, besides getting involved in this fight. You will find a half-baked puzzle and a host of collectibles.