Ridley Scott, director of the second installment of this science-fiction thriller, has decided to wrap up the post production work for his space-exploration drama known as ‘The Martian’. He will probably do this before starting to work on ‘’Prometheus 2’’.
In the meantime, earlier reports indicate that Prometheus 2 will have a 4th March 2016 play-date and will be showcased before the Alien 5 film is released. It has long been established in Prometheus that there is an interconnection between the two series, and both upcoming films will maintain this. In reference to DC or Marvel Movies, it is termed as a ‘shared cinematic universe’.
Meanwhile, it’s evident that sexy Michel Fassbender and possibly fresh Aliens forms are two things in store for future Prometheus 2 viewers. With Ridley Scott in control, you should expect a sci-fi movie that will make viewers sit up and take notice. Reports indicate that viewers will again have the opportunity to ponder upon the origin of man while being impressed by intense cinematic elements. Certain plot details and tidbits are being uncovered by Ridley Scott interviews, and they suggest how David will emerge as a new character once his head goes back on.
Stay tuned for the latest updates on Prometheus 2!