Linda Perry said that she isn’t one to talk about such issues, but she feels that an artist isn’t being given enough credit for their art, while someone else is taking all the attention. Linda Perry did agree that Lady Gaga made a change in one line.
She changed the line Til You Got A Hole Ripped In Your Soul to Til It Happens To You and that cannot be termed as rewriting the whole song. Linda Perry said that she has no issues with Lady Gaga, but feels that she shouldn’t get all the attention for the song. She said that Diane Warren wrote the song from her experience and hence she deserves all the praise for it.
But then it isn’t going to be an Oscar season with some debate over the nominations right?
Diane Warren and Lady Gaga are still very close and a video depicting the two of them playing the song in a very private setting is circulating online. The video is from a party organized by Rick Egusquiza and it shows Lady Gaga playing the piano and singing the song while Diane Warrens sits besides her holding the microphone. Lady Gaga lets her emotions run high while singing.
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