The hope of a lot of gamers regarding the possible release of Half-Life 3 has been greatly fueled due to the alleged sighting of its logo. A recent report by Christian Today indicates that Valve’s very own Steam website displayed what looked like an alleged version of the logo designed for Half-Life 3.
On top of that, it included a highly controversial notice, “Half-Life 3 confirmed”. In the meantime, Kotaku reports that this could mean the indication of a hacked website. The page heads over to a Nigerian Twitter account when the text is clicked. The report shared that normal service was resumed right after a few moments.
Meanwhile, the enthusiastic fans are waiting for an official confirmation in this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo trade show which is scheduled to take place in June. However, it was recently revealed by Venture Beat that Steam and Half Life are not going to take any meetings for its upcoming products and furthermore it is not listed as a participant in E3.
The same report therefore discards all rumors of Half-Life 3 being announced or confirmed at this trade show which suggests that the company will most likely use its digital distribution systems along with smaller future events as platforms, designed for any update involving its hardware and software products.
There have been a lot of reports so far, regarding Half Life sightings and what Valve plans to do with this franchise. We have seen that Valve is currently focusing on its multiplayer titles with not even the slightest indication of any interest in the development of Half-Life 3. Either they are hiding the fact pretty well or they are simply not interested.
However, it is very difficult for enthusiastic gamers to think about the latter. As an avid gamer, (especially ones who have already experienced Half Life, Half Life 2, along with Episodes 1 and 2), It is quite impossible to accept the latter. It would certainly mean the hopes of a million fans shattering and Valve will probably hear the noise.
However, the future of Half-Life looks quite bleak from here. Gabe Newell already declared that they will only consider the development of Half-Life 3 if and only if a lot of the employees are interested about it. Furthermore, the developers will need to provide a lot of valid reasons as to why they want it at all.
In the meantime, the company said that it won’t be taking any meetings for the upcoming products like HTC Vive and on top of that Valve isn’t even advertised for the event’s first dedicated PC gaming show.
Half Life 3 is not going to happen, accept it.
But we get a FF7 remake, Fallout 4 and possibly even Kingdom Hearts 3. Half-Life 3 must be confirmed! It would make 2015 the best year ever! =O
That’s what they said about a FFVII remake…
That’s where you’re wrong. Go to and wait. Accept it.
Shenmue 3, is not going to happen. Accept it.