Criminal Minds is an American crime drama television series, created by Jeff Davis. The show is produced by The Mark Gordon Company and it made its debut on CBS back in 2005. Criminal Minds has been renewed for a 12th season and spoilers regarding the upcoming season have started building up on the internet.
The latest reports state that a number of changes will be incorporated into the show in its upcoming season. Erica Messer, the showrunner of Criminal Minds, dropped certain hints which suggest that Mr. Scratch might be playing a significant role in season 12 of Criminal Minds.
It was also revealed by Messer that a new storyline will be penned down by the writers for the upcoming season. The filming process for the show will begin in the second half of the ongoing year.
Messer seemed to be quite excited for the 6th seasonal and she stated- “It’s going to be a really fun, different year. We’re excited to catch these bad guys all over again.”
Mr. Scratch a.k.a. Peter Lewis, made his first appearance on the show in its 10th season. He is a hacker who is also a ruthless serial killer. In the previous season, he was seen escaping with a group of other serial killers, and since then the BAU team has not been able to locate him.
The investigation of BAU regarding Mr. Scratch will continue in the next season. The character of Mr. Scratch is played by Bodhi Elfman in Criminal Minds.
It has been reported that actor Adam Rodriguez will be making an appearance in the upcoming season of Criminal Minds. Rodriguez is already a part of CSI: Miami, and will now play the character of an FBI Fugitive Task Force agent in Criminal Minds.
As per reports, he will be making regular appearances throughout the season. Fans will be witnessing his debut in the very first episode of season 12. He will be working in collaboration with the BAU and will be assisting the group in every possible manner.
Glenn Geller, the President of CBS Entertainment, stated that they are big fans of the actor and everyone is excited about the fact that Adam Rodriguez will be joining the cast of Criminal Minds. Erica Messer revealed that some exciting storylines have already been planned for Adam’s character.
Shemar Moore’s Derek Morgan will not be appearing in the upcoming season, and the character of Adam could be touted as a proper replacement for Derek.
His assistance will be of utmost importance for the BAU as they have the hard task of tracking down 13 escaped serial killers and putting them behind bars once again. The character of Derek Morgan has been a part of the show since the very first season of Criminal Minds.
On a previous instance, it was stated by Erica Messer that they are on the lookout for an actor who could be roped in as the replacement of Shemar Moore. She was of the opinion that having a smaller cast was not beneficial for the future of the show.
During that time, it was not revealed by her as to who that replacement might be. However, as we see now, the showrunners have already found the perfect actor who could fit into the cast of the show and also fill the gap that was left by the departure of Shemar Moore.
A particular rumor that is currently doing rounds on the internet suggests that a crossover between Criminal Minds Season 12 and its spinoff series might happen in the upcoming season. If the rumors are to be believed, then fans will be witnessing Thomas Gibson’s Aaron Hotch and Gary Sinise’s Jack Garrett working in collaboration with each other.