Watch Dogs 2 will come with a lot of improvements and fixes. Ubisoft, the developer, has confirmed that various elements from the first game will no longer be used. During an interview with Gaming Bolt, Danny Belanger, the game’s co-director, talked about some of the features in the original Watch Dogs. Belanger said that instead of mini-games located all around the city; players would have to hack to find more side-missions.
During an interview with Gaming Bolt, Danny Belanger, the game’s co-director, talked about some of the features in the original Watch Dogs. Belanger said that instead of mini-games located all around the city; players would have to hack to find more side-missions.
The game director said the game would offer more city exploration possibilities. In case you are walking around the city, you need to open Nethack and discover various secrets and operations to unlock side quests. The first Watch Dogs game had a single-player campaign which was filled with mini-games for adding content to the player.
In the sequel, Ubisoft decided to remove the mini-games and add content for players. In the sequel, Ubisoft didn’t include any mini games so as to strengthen the multiplayer aspect of this title. You are the member of a hacker group called DedSec, and the developers wanted them to work together.
You might be playing your single player game, but you will find a DedSec ally walking nearby. If you prefer, with the touch of a button, the game will enter co-op mode. The developers wanted to create co-op operations because they are quite challenging.
However, the exclusion of mini-games is just one of the features in Watch Dogs 2. It was further revealed that the standard tower-climbing technique used in this franchise, will not be a part of this sequel. In the original Watch Dogs game, players need to climb, locate and hack ctOS to unlock content around the towers.
Thanks to the Gaming Bolt review, a lot of new details were revealed by Danny Belanger. The dev team for Watch Dogs 2 confirmed that the tower system in Ubisoft had been abandoned. Belanger further confirmed that the upcoming sequel would not have any AR-mini games.
However, the game will include side-quests that will be unlocked once gamers start exploring the digital San Francisco, created by Ubisoft Montreal. Fans can also expect seamless co-op gaming in Watch Dogs 2. The first game supported multiplayer, which introduced one-on-one encounters between various community members.
The sequel will include operations that were designed to tackle two different players together. We are not sure if any greater multiplayer functionality will be incorporated, either competitive or cooperative in nature. However, it is safe to assume that Ubisoft will talk more about the multiplayer feature in the upcoming game, before its 2016 Holiday debut.
The original Watch Dogs 2 had a lot of new ideas, but a lot of them were hidden under a large underwhelming shooter. Some things have been changed in Watch Dogs 2, according to director Danny Belanger. It was recently revealed that you could play the entire game without killing anyone.
He explained in a PlayStation blog that the players can play in any way they want. He said that they didn’t want to restrict the way in which the player has to play.
The player can make choices of their own. According to Belanger, the development team focuses on three different play styles and various types of players.
It is also possible to reach the end of the game by making use of brutal force. Besides the standard combat route, you can also be a ghost hacker that makes you stealthier by creating distractions. As a trickster hacker, you can finish a mission without actually being there, using tools like surveillance cameras and drones.