It is unlikely that fans will be witnessing Daenerys becoming the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. She is more of a savior than a ruler, and it will be archmaester Marwyn who will tell her that in Winds of Winter. She and her dragons are destined to defeat the White Walkers and save the rest of the kingdom from falling prey to the army of undead.
The war between her army, her dragons, and the White Walkers will be a gruesome one. The chances are that her dragons might be killed off during this war. It was also reported that Euron Greyjoy could be seen stealing one of her dragons in Winds of Winter.
Just in the recent past it was reported that George R. R. Martin was sick. Apparently, he fell sick after returning from the Balticon, which was held in Baltimore. He stated in his blog- “I am back home again in Santa Fe, after two weeks on the road in Baltimore and New York City. Great trip… but I seem to have brought the plague home with me.”
It is not great news for fans as it could mean that the completion and release of the sixth novel may get pushed back further.
Stay tuned for more updates onThe Winds of Winter.