Criminal Minds is an American crime drama series that has been created by Jeff Davis. The show premiered on CBS back in 2005 and it has been currently renewed for a 12th season. Just in the recent past it was reported that Adam Rodriguez has been roped in to play a part in the upcoming season of the show.
He will be seen working in collaboration with the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) to track down escaped criminal Mr. Scratch. It was previously reported that the show will return to TV this Fall. However, some fresh batch of rumors suggest that fans might be treated to the 12th season of Criminal Minds before Fall itself.
Erica Messer, the executive producer of the show had stated in the previous month that the script writing process for the upcoming season was already underway. She also revealed that Mr. Scratch will be playing a significant role in the 12th season of the show.
The character of Mr. Scratch aka Peter Lewis is portrayed by Bodhi Eifman on the show. He is a hacker, a serial killer and also a stalker. He made his first appearance on the show in its 10th season. He was present in the previous season too where he was seen escaping from the prison. 12 other criminals were seen escaping the prison along with him.
Reports state that the first outline for the upcoming season has already been penned down by the writers. The writers have reportedly planned out the direction in which the show will be heading in the coming season. Some rumors stated that they have already finished writing the script for the entire season.
If indeed that is the case, then it is likely that the 12th season will premier before Fall. However, nothing can be stated for sure at the moment. Fans will have to patiently wait for the showrunners to come forward with concrete updates regarding the matter.
Even if the writers have penned down the basic script for the entire season, it is likely that changes will be incorporated into it as necessary as the season progresses.
It has been confirmed that the character of Derek, played by Shemar Moore will not be appearing in the upcoming season. Apparently, Adam Rodriguez has been roped in to fill the void that has been left by him. Derek was an important member of the BAU and thus Adam Rodriguez has some big shoes to fill in.
However, the crime drama genre is not new to Adam. The actor is already a part of CSI: Miami and thus he is quite experienced in this field. Fans are quite hyped to see the actor in a brand new role in Criminal Minds.
Glenn Geller, the President of CBS Entertainment stated that the network welcomes Adam into their family and everyone was excited to work with him. Erica Messer too seemed quite excited at the prospect of introducing a new agent in Adam Rodriguez. She added that some storylines have already been planned for him.
Adam himself took to social media to state that he too was excited to be able to be a part of a show that has been a standout for such a long period of time. He stated– “I look forward to working with the family of people involved in making this such a long-standing hit and to entertaining all of the wonderful fans that have made it possible!”
The upcoming season will feature a massive manhunt for all the criminals that has escaped from the prison. Certain rumors that are currently circulating around the internet suggest that it will be Adam’s character that will be leading the hunt for the dangerous criminals. It is also being rumored that he will be one that will ultimately nab Mr. Scratch and put him behind bars once again.