Everyone thinks that Audrey (Bex Taylor-Klaus) is the one who was connected with the killer and hence he is likely to hide something, but it can be that the poor girl clearly doesn’t know anything. Audrey was the one who had helped the murderer and her DNA was also found on the mask. With the killer removed, will she return to fulfill the job that had been started in Season 1 of Scream?
The trailer also hints at the fact that Emma and Brandon James has a past that runs quite deep. Emma and Noah (John Karna) are shown looking at the sketch of an old barn. Then Emma is shown as a baby girl, peering inside a baby carriage.
The sketch that Noah and Emma were looking at belongs to Troy, Brandon’s brother. This memory of Emma’s hints at the fact that she is connected to Troy and Brandon.
The poster for Scream Season 2 has placed all the characters in the same pedestal, where everyone has the potential to become the next murderer behind the mask. The posters show all of them with the mask on one side of their face.
The second season will be about finding out the answers from Season 1 and using it to find out the identity of the new killer before he/she ends up killing everyone is Lakewood.
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