Grimm is an American police procedural fantasy television series that has been created by Stephen Carpenter, Jim Kouf and David Greenwalt. The show premiered on NBC back in October 2011. It was renewed for a sixth season in April 2016 and it has also been revealed that the upcoming season will consist of 13 episodes.
David Giuntoli plays the character of Detective Nick Burkhardt in the series and just in the recent past, David came forward with some insights regarding his character. It was seen that Juliette, played by Bitsie Tulloch made her return in the previous season and this left Nick in a dilemma.
He has had a relationship with Juliette in the past and thus her return shook Nick up. Apparently, in the upcoming season, he will be seen deciding as to whether he wanted to be with Claire Coffee’s Adalind or get back with his old love interest- Juliette.
David mentioned that it will be quite hard for Nick to make the decision. However, he also pointed out that Juliette was the one who killed Nick’s mother. Thus, he will not be completely ready to get back with her once again. She is in possession of hexienbeist powers and it was seen that she tried to kill Nick too.
Nick was asked to share his opinion on what Juliette’s return meant for Nick. He replied to the question by stating- “Right now, it’s all too much for Nick to take in. He’s like ‘We can’t do this now!” he also added that Nick must be wondering whether Juliette is aware of the fact that she killed his mother.
He is also trying to figure out whether Juliette was herself when he committed the crime and if she was, then he would never be able to forgive her. It was seen that Juliette was trying to become Adalind and her killing of Nick’s mother could be a side-effect of all those powers. In that case, Nick might be able to forgive her.
The character of Adalind started out as a villainous hexienbeist who had problems controlling her powers. However, she was calmed down by Ms. Schade and her powers were locked away. Being a mother has apparently made her weak.
Renard and Black Claw are manipulating her and there is a chance that she might be seen doing something nasty in the upcoming season. She would do anything to protect her children. Her supernatural powers might become a threat to the life that Nick and Adalind were trying to set up.
The character of Renard, played by Sasha Roiz has been one of the better characters of the previous five seasons of the show. Depending on the situation, Renard can transform himself into a good guy from being a bad guy and vice versa.
Black Claw has been corrupting Renard’s ideals and there is a chance that he might turn out to be the main villain of the upcoming season. He has been on the receiving end of quite a lot of ill-treatment for being a Royal bastard.
It has been the trend of the show to introduce a new villain at the end of final episode of each season. However, the same cannot be said for the previous season’s finale in which no new villain was introduced.
Instead, it signed off with the scene of Renard and Nick standing face to face with each other. This could be an indication that Renard will become the main antagonist of season 6 of Grimm. He has become the mayor of Portland and thus no one else holds any kind of authority over him.
Bonaparte, who was previously seen manipulating people and pulling the strings from behind has already met his death. Renard has been reunited with his daughter Diana who is extremely powerful.