Apple iOS latest jailbreak version is 9.0.2 but the recent releases still remain unjailbreakable. However, there have been recent reports that a new jailbreak which is based on the Apple iOS 9.2 build has already floated online. From the looks of it, different Apple iOS jailbreak teams are about to release the latest jailbreak version.
Keep in mind that before the official announcement, there were earlier cases reported, pertaining to fake Apple iOS jailbreak builds which were making their way online. Reddit declared that these download links contain Trojan viruses. Meanwhile, how is it possible for Apple fans to figure out the legitimate jailbreak download links?
GottaBeMobile reports that a particular way in which any fake jailbreak link can be spotted is when the particular jailbreak asks for a small fee, which is to be paid by downloaders in order to access the particular download link.
Pangu and TaiG have always released official Apple iOS jailbreak versions and they always worked for free. As a result, it can be expected that the upcoming Apple iOS 9.2 jailbreak versions will be free as well.
There are also unofficial sources which prey on Apple users and Apple iOS jailbreak downloaders should be aware of that. They tend to make their websites and domain names similar to the official download sites. There are websites which can mention the name ‘Pangu’ or ‘TaiG’ anywhere but that doesn’t mean that it will provide you with the official jailbreak link.
Meanwhile, before users are given access, there are some download links which ask for personal information. This also indicates that the jailbreak version download is also a fake one. Meanwhile, besides the fake download links, official Apple iOS apps installation are promised by many websites, even without the need of any jailbreak.
Silicon Angle reports that these outlets are pirated app marketplaces posted online like vShare, which uses stolen Apple certificates. It allows users to install free versions of the top-paid Apple iOS applications. Furthermore, this is regardless of whether the Apple user uses the official Apple iOS build or a jailbreak version.
Meanwhile, when you are running a jailbroken version of Apple iOS on your iPad or iPhone, it is expected that you have to wait for a longer time. Pangu released the Apple iOS Jailbreak and it worked quite well with iOS versions 9.0.1 and 9.0.2.
However, after that, there is yet to be an upgrade and this is making the users curious regarding the upcoming release. Till now, there hasn’t been any major development from the jailbroken community.
Apple iOS 9.2.1 Beta has already been seeded out to developers by Apple and this further includes bug fixes in iOS 9.2. It will be soon when iOS 9.2.1 is released to the public. The new iOS version is just around the corner and the question is when a new jailbreak will arrive.
The iOS 9.2 details is still a mystery and this isn’t anything uncommon since all jailbreak developers prefer keeping quiet regarding any progress they are making.
The latest rumors indicate that Pangu has already released a working 9.2 jailbreak for iOS but there is yet to be official proof regarding this rumor. Meanwhile, considering Apple’s release cycle for its iOS updates, the iOS 9.2 jailbreaks might not be seen before 2016.
There are several hacking groups which released a semi-jailbreaking tool but there is yet to be any further development. Rumors indicate that significant progress has been made by the TaiG jailbreaking team. These reports were not directly confirmed by TaiG but the information was published in IB Times.