Teen Wolf is an American television series that has been developed by Jeff Davis. The show made its debut back in 2011 on MTV. Teen Wolf has just been renewed for a sixth season and various rumors regarding the upcoming season have already started doing rounds on the internet.
It is a known fact that Maze Runner famed actor Dylan O’Brien portrays the character of Stiles in Teen Wolf. However, the actor recently met with an accident while filming for his next movie- Maze Runner- The Death Cure.
This led fans into speculating whether it will cause a delay in the release of the sixth season since Dylan is unable to shoot for the show due to his current condition. However, Jeff Davis came forward with an announcement in which he made it clear that the production of the show is right on schedule.
He added that the production has been planned in such a way that it will not be affected by Dylan’s schedule. Also, the showrunners have pre-planned for unforeseen circumstances like that of Dylan’s accident. It is for these very reasons that it will not be delaying production of the show.
Dylan reportedly met with the accident while he was shooting for The Death Cure in Canada on March 17. Some previous rumors regarding the actor claimed that he will not be able to make appearance in the sixth season due to his injuries. Apparently, he will be needing a significant amount of time to recover from his injuries.
There were also rumors that Dylan wanted to leave the show. Coupled with the fact that he is injured at the moment, chances are that he might not show up in the sixth season of Teen Wolf. However, nothing can be confirmed at the moment, until there is some official announcement regarding the mater.
Some other rumors that were floating around for some time suggested that the upcoming season might feature Harry Styles of the popular band- One Direction. It was also reported that he might be roped in as a replacement for Dylan O’Brien. However, the latest reports pertaining to Teen Wolf state that it is just a baseless rumor and Harry Styles will not be appearing in season 6 of Teen Wolf.
As for the storyline, reports state that fans might see someone resurrected from dead in the next season. Naturally, this sparked off speculations among fans who were busy trying to determine as to who will come back from dead in the upcoming season.
Some rumors state that it will actually be Theo who will be coming back to the show despite being killed off in the finale episode of season 5. The character of Theo is portrayed by Cody Christian and it was seen that Theo was taken down to hell in the previous season’s finale episode.
A particular behind-the-scenes photo has sparked off this rumor. According to reports, in this photo which was posted on Instagram, fans could see a number of chairs that have been arranged for the cast of the show. Apparently, the names of all the actors and actresses were written on the chairs.
What caught the attention of fans is that a chair had the name of Christian on it. This led fans into speculating that Cody Christian will be coming back to reprise his character of Theo in the sixth season. There has been no confirmation from any official sources regarding the matter as of yet.
It has been confirmed that Arden Cho who used to play the character of Kira Yukimura will not be making an appearance in the upcoming season of Teen Wolf. She has been the love interest of Tyler Posey’s Scott McCall on the show and their chemistry was an instant hit among fans.
Plzz bring back allison instead of arden cho plzz
Plzz bring back allison instead of arden cho plzz