He is now with Aslaug who doesn’t love him and his sons barely talk to him. He looks down at Bjorn with disdain and Lagertha hates him. Largetha had ended up murdering Kalf on the night of their wedding and when Ragnar asks her if Kalf had broken her heart, she responds that her heart was already broken. It is implied that when Ragnar had moved on to Aslaug, Lagertha was heartbroken.
It is not just the others who have shunned Ragnar away. Fans notice how he has suddenly made Yidu the main aspect of his life. He is hooked on to the drug that she has been administering him and spends time with her and is usually completely intoxicated.
He had gone to the ceremony of arms for his two children and behaves in a strange and deranged fashion. He even makes a quick decision to take his young sons to Paris with him in spite of protest from Aslaug. It is not just that; Ragnar agrees to take Yidu along with him to Paris.
It is no doubt Floki has been welcoming King Harald and Hafdan to Kattegat with open arms. He knows that Ragnar isn’t fit to be a king anymore and is making his stand strong in case there is a fight to take the throne. Bjorn is the only one who has Ragnar’s back and it is him that he treats like a fool
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