Destiny, even after two years of its release, continues to be one of the most impressive games. Even after two years of its release, Destiny has continued to be popular because of the DLCs that had been released time and again to keep the game interesting and new for the players.
There were news of a major expansion later in 2016 and now it has been reported that Activision and Bungie are working together to come out with a sequel to the 2014 Destiny. To understand how popular Destiny has been since it was released in 2014, Activision has revealed that over 25 million players played the game for over 3 billion hours since it was launched.
This sets a huge benchmark that Destiny 2 has to live up to and Bungie blog has made it clear that Destiny 2 is going to larger than even Destiny.Before fans of the franchise can lay their hands on the sequel, they will get to enjoy another DLC from the makers, which has been compared to Festival of the Lost. The developers have said that Rise of Iron will be better than The Taken King DLC that was released for Destiny in 2015.
It was Reddit, where fans of the franchise had read about Destiny: Rise of Iron. It was mentioned there that the game is going to introduce a new raid, which will be quite similar to Fallen. The developers came out to confirm that Rise of Iron DLC is going to be out on September 20th at the recently concluded E3 and the fans were also treated to a new trailer for the same.
There has, however, not been any update on how much the new DLC will cost. The Rise of Iron DLC is going to be available for pre-order and if the players look at the past trend in pricing, they will be able to notice that most of the DLCs have been priced at an average of $39.99.
The third expansion pack, Rise of Iron, as reported by Christian Today, will see Iron Gjallarhorn returning. This will be possible when the players are going to complete a quest or a mission. The Gjallarhorn is going to be white and gold in color and for those who pre-order the DLC, they will be able to get a Gjallarhorn in black and white.
The new DLC is surely going to increase the expectations from Destiny 2. There are reports that the DLC will have a new story, several new quests, as well as an update for the arsenal of weapons. The players can also enjoy Raid event while at the same time enjoying an increase in the Maximum Light, maps and social space.
A developer for the DLC has revealed that the Rise of Iron DLC is going to be one of the best expansion packs that the game has seen. The story for the game is going to be set in Plagueland, which is a new location that will be unveiled on Earth.
Plagueland is where the fallen enemies will be regrouping and this area has been isolated for a very long time. With the DLC, the players will also be able to access The Wall and the Felwinter Peak, which had been out of bounds until now.
The promise of an interesting DLC has obviously made the players of Destiny excited, but nothing can beat their excitement at the chance of getting to play the sequel to the popular game. Destiny 2 as announced by Activision is set to sometime around 2017. While the wait is still over a year, the players aren’t complaining.