Prometheus 2 updates are finally coming and what’s better is that they are coming from the director Ridley Scott himself! In an interview with Empire, Ridley Scott shared that he will start filming Prometheus 2 in coming January.
He said that he is looking for locations to shoot his next movie in. Scott even revealed the plot line of the upcoming sequel to Prometheus. He said that Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) is thinking of heading to Paradise. This is already mentioned in Prometheus and this is what fans were basing their assumptions about the plot of Prometheus 2 on.
Dr. Shaw knows that she will not serve any purpose by going back to Earth since she has nothing left back there. She rather wants to head to the place from where these giant creatures that she has encountered have come.
Prometheus 2 will see Elizabeth Shaw and the droid David (Michael Fassbender) heading out to Paradise. No, this isn’t the mystical place that we all know of, but a dark and sinister place. Scott himself quizzed the fans asking what’s in store in Paradise no one knows, neither does he. It is something they will find out when the film is made.
There were a lot of speculations about whether Xenomorphs are going to be back in Prometheus 2 or not. Ridley Scott has revealed that will not be a part of Prometheus 2. The Xenomorphs were borrowed by Neill Blomkamp’s Alien and with Blomkamp working on Alien 5, it is but obvious that Ridley Scott is going to keep them away from Prometheus 2.
Prometheus 2 is instead going to have two new kinds of aliens. While they are going to be different from the xenomorphs, they will be closely associated with them. There are more interesting news from the world of Prometheus 2.
According to Nimrod Antal, the director of Predator, Prometheus 2 is just going to start with one aspect of the journey that Dr. Shaw and David are going to undertake. The main focus on the journey will be in Prometheus 3, where they are going to travel to the home of the Engineers.
Since the stories are very similar to one another, Ridley Scott, Neill Blomkamp and Nimrod Antal are working together to make sure that their stories do not overlap. There is some bad news for the fans of Alien. While Neill Blomkamp was ready to release Alien 5 this year, the film’s producer Ridley Scot decided to give preference to his own directorial venture Prometheus 2. This means that Scott has decided to release Alien 5 only after he has wrapped up Prometheus 2.
Those wondering if Alien 5 will be scratched off completely, be rest assured that Alien 5 is going to happen. Fox is ready to take it up while Ridley Scott produces it, however, it will happen only after Prometheus 2.
Movie News Guide has reported that the filming for Prometheus 2 will start in 2016 and the film will be released in 2017, when the filming for Alien 5 will start and will be released in 2018. This delay in Alien 5 is likely to be a blessing for Sigourney Weaver since it gives her the chance to wrap up Avatar 2 and be a part of Alien 5, which she would have otherwise missed.