There were reports in May which revealed that Brazilian retailers have been duplicating the PS4’s NAND flash and hard drive so that they can sell batches of pirated software to consumers. There was no first-hand confirmation found at that point, even after looking deeply into the matter.
Right now, it seems like hackers have a new tool through which they can explore the PS4 OS.
However, there is a concern on a more general level that high-level access to the PS4 system will mean that malicious hackers will find it easier to compromise the whole system in the near future. There was a PS4 hack earlier and Sony should have learned enough to respond to any genuine security threat in the future, effectively and rapidly.
Meanwhile, here are some of the best games of 2015 that you can play on your PlayStation 4:-
- Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture
- The Witcher III: Wild Hunt
- Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
- Fallout 4
- FIFA 16
- Journey
- Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
- Batman: Arkham Knight
- Destiny: The Taken King
- Call of Duty: Black Ops III
- Bloodborne
- Star Wars: Battlefront
- The Last of Us Remastered
- Resogun
- Grand Theft Auto 5
- Far Cry 4
- Alien Isolation
- Rayman Legends
Stay tuned for more updates on PlayStation 4!