Mr. Robot is an American drama-thriller television series that has been created by Sam Esmail. The show made its debut on a number of video on demand and online services back in May 2015. It premiered on the USA Network on June 24, 2015. It has been renewed for a second season.
Various rumors regarding the upcoming season are doing rounds on the internet. The upcoming season will reportedly delve deeper into the background of Rami Malek’s Elliot. The memories of the character that were shown in the previous season did not clarify whether they were real memories or just results of Elliot’s delusions.
Sam Esmail stated that the upcoming season will reveal more of the background story of Elliot. He also added that the season will shed more light on the timeline which will become a bit clearer.
However, he also added that the fans will not be able to get a 100 percent clarification about the timeline in the upcoming season. according to him- “Yes, the timeline is going to get a little bit clearer. Not 100 percent because what’s the fun in that, but a little bit clearer.”
The two big revelations that Elliot came face to face in the previous season will have an effect on him and that effect will be reflected in the next season. Elliot came to know that Mr. Robot is actually his father who had met his death in the past. It was also revealed that all of it was just his imagination.
Esmail stated that Elliot will find it difficult to reconcile with the fact that he has been talking to someone who is just a figment of his imagination. The upcoming season will see him struggling to come to terms with the revelation.
Fans have been complaining about they are having to wait a long time for the second season of the show. However, Esmail is of the opinion that if people love a show, they will be tuning in to watch its next season, no matter how long the wait for it is.
He added that he is not a party to the idea of rushing a show just to maintain its viewership. He is of the opinion that rushing a show results in poor writing and storytelling which ultimately comes back to bite the show. Instead, he would want to stay in a schedule and ensure that the end product is of quality.
Mr. Robot was released more than a year ago. Rami Malek too feels that the long gap between the two seasons is justified. He stated that it is extremely tiring for Esmail to write the show then direct it and then afterward spend time along with the editors to make sure that the editing is done right. Rami feels that Esmail deserves the break.
The upcoming season will premiere on July 13 on Amazon Prime. Fans who want to watch the first season can tune into Amazon Prime at the moment. It is currently available on Amazon Prime.
Rami Malek revealed that since Elliot is aware of who Mr. Robot is, he will be trying to remove any trace of him from the world. He also added that the upcoming season will be quite different from the previous one.
The relationship between Mr. Robot and Elliot will be explored in a deeper manner in the upcoming season, according to Christian Slater who plays the character of Mr. Robot. He compared the character of Mr. Robot to Hulk and Elliot to Bruce Banner.
According to him, Mr. Robot is the trigger happy guy who always steps up to do the right thing when Elliot is feeling overwhelmed or scared. He stated- “Mr. Robot is to Elliot what the Hulk is to Bruce Banner.”