Mass Effect Andromeda Will Focus On ‘Shades of Grey’, Ryder Is the New Protagonist!

Mass Effect Andromeda is certainly one of the most anticipated sequels in this franchise. DICE Frostbite Engine will be powering this game, the same engine Battlefield I is running on. The new trailer shows that this game should definitely live up to its expectations. The game was initially slated to launch this year, but BioWare officially confirmed on its blog that it has been delayed to 2017. An exact release date is yet to be revealed.

Meanwhile, a NeoGAF user posted some details regarding this game. The new ship called the Tempest can land on planets. Andromeda will feature the presence of Krogans, Asari, and Salarians. There is a boost feature in the Mako. During combat, you can switch shoulders, and Biotics have returned.

The facial animations are more detailed and comparatively smoother. There are multiple Arks in this game. The Arks were located above Earth before. During the journey, the passengers on the Ark have been kept in some form of stasis.

The female character is the first to wake up. Mac Walters revealed that Frostbite Engine allowed them to create more detailed characters. The dialogue system will be familiar, but the developers have pushed beyond the usual mechanic. The morality system will feature an evolution.

The game will move forward, but you will witness callbacks to the original trilogy. The multiplayer aspect of Mass Effect 3 was successful, but the developers understood that gamers didn’t prefer the way in which it was linked to the single player campaign. The upcoming game will improve on that.

Stay tuned for more updates and information on Mass Effect Andromeda!