Married at First Sight Season 3: Three Couples Return, Hiccups On the Wedding Day, And More

Even Ashley sent him a watch as a pre-wedding gift, but the viewers feel that while David is a little too open to the idea, Ashley is very guarded and this might not work in favor for them.

Vanessa Norton and Tress Russell are the third couple and they were instantly attracted to each other. Both seemed equally keen with the idea of getting married to complete strangers and they openly admired each other after they met.

However, Tress asked for a minute just as Vanessa was about to repeat her vows. This cliff hanger might be just a way to create suspense or it might see Tress panicking and backing out of the whole thing.

Even though everything looked good in the first episode, the trailer shows that one of the brides will leave the wedding and her groom will be standing there looking thoroughly confused.

The trailer also shows that one of the couples pull through the wedding since they exchange ring, but who the couple is will be revealed in the next episode.

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