Lindsay Lohan Sports a Sexy Blood-Cat Costume for Halloween, Her Brother Arrested for Forged Parking Permit, And More

Rest assured that the ring is fake and she is probably not getting married anytime soon. If she was really getting married, we would be the first ones to know about it, thanks to the major media publicity she gets.

As a result, the big diamond ring and the wedding band, all of them have to fake for sure. According to a Page Six source, Lohan did it for fun and wanted to see what her friends and other people had to say about it.

Sadly, people aren’t really quite stoked about what she did. She probably wanted to spark up some secret-marriage rumors but the joke didn’t really have the much-intended effect. In the end however, it is still quite funny and rest assured, she’ll be coming up with another stunt, very soon in the near future.

Meanwhile, Robyn Butler made no bones regarding the inspiration for ‘Now Add Honey’ which is a domestic comedy-drama that marks her initiation with Wayne Hope, husband and creative partner.

According to Butler, she was watching Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan fall off the rails in a pretty dramatic manner. She didn’t judge them as much as she though where was their mother in all of this.

Stay tuned for more updates on Lindsay Lohan!