It is either Scott Brooks or Mike D’Antoni for Denver Nuggets. If the latter gets the deal then it looks like the team is likely to sign in the Harvard University standout. It was D’Antoni who had helped Jeremy Lin shine through and rise in his career.
With Lin not being able to fit into the system created by LA Lakers’ Bryan Scott and not seeing eye to eye with the star player Kobe Bryant, did affect his career. If Denver Nuggets is able to afford the hefty fee for Lin, it might be possible that the glorious days of 2012 will be recalled.
Experts are of the opinion that given Lin’s current form, it is advisable that he takes a pay-cut and starts working on improving his game. The player should also prevent injuries and focus on remaining healthy so that he gets a good team to play for the next season.
Jeremy Lin took to Twitter to express his grief over the Nepal earthquake. Nepal was shaken by a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake recently and the country is grappling under the destruction. Lin, whose parents are from Taiwan that had been hit by 6.5 magnitude earthquake in 2012, asked people to extend their help to the country.
Visit the page for more information on Jeremy Lin.