Following the unfortunate incidents of the Paris shooting, musicians are now talking to social media in order to spread signs and prayers of support. In that regard, some potentially devastating news was shared by Jared Leto.
According to the frontman of Thirty Second to Mars, a former crew member of the band may have been among the hostages and victims of 13th November, at the Le Bataclan venue of Paris. He tweeted that the news is pretty tragic and horrifying and there is a possibility that this actually happened.
The shooting which took place at the Eagles of Death Metal Concert, claimed the lives of 100 attendees who were enjoying themselves at the 1500-capacity venue. Jared Leto further shared, “Thoughts + prayers to friends / family in Paris and everyone at Le Bataclan – a venue we played recently. A senseless and horrible tragedy.” Thankfully, safety has been confirmed by some of the members of Eagles of Death Metal Entourage.
The band shared on their official Twitter and Facebook accounts that they are still trying to figure out the whereabouts and safety of their band and crew members. They further said that their thoughts are with all of the people who were involved in the tragic situation. You should check out Billboard’s new story on the Paris shootings in order to get more details on this tragedy.
Jared Leto usually claims to be a method actor, which is actually a description that turns out to be annoying in case you aren’t Daniel Day-Lewis. On all accounts, Leto has turned out to be quite the solid actor. According to producer Charles Roven, it was quite fun and different but the group wasn’t sure at first.
This is because they had to call him Mr. J in order to persuade him to come to the set. In many different ways, he tried to isolate himself from the rest of the group but that was actually what his character was supposed to do.
In many ways, this was actually the purpose of his character, except during those times when chasing Harley or being with her. He ended up providing the much-needed fuel for a lot of sport and laughs and it was quite entertaining. Charles Roven admitted that a squad bonding was needed and the isolation provided by Jared Leto ended up doing exactly that.
However, it does sound a bit weird at times, with the crew always having to call him Mr. J in order to get him to do his job. Rather stress-free isn’t it? However, with Roven’s ‘isolation bonded the squad’, it seems like the crew was pretty happy without Leto in the show.
Meanwhile, Adam Beach, who plays Slipknot, talked about creepy gifts: bullets, love letters, and live rats, being sent to the cast members by Leto. Furthermore, he also sent a dead hog and a video to the cast. According to Beach, Jared was basically trying to say that he can’t be there but he wants the cast members to know that he is working as hard as any of them.
The video he sent showed him in character and Beach says that it blew their minds away. In the beginning, it’s like a beautiful man saying ‘Hello, how are you?’ but in an instant, it changes to psychotic behavior where anyone would end up being taken aback and afraid. Adam said that they loved him because he comes with both of those genuine sides.