A new sequel to the highly successful Dragon Ball Xenoverse has been announced by Bandai Namco and its named Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. It will be releasing in Japan during this winter.
Like the original game, expectations suggest that this sequel will have a global release. Anime News Network reported that Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 has been confirmed and it will ship out in December this year.
During the holidays, the game will release on PlayStation 4 in Japan. It is quite similar to the first game which was released last year. Therefore, you can expect that there will be a global release by the end of December of simply after New Year.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse was launched on 5th February 2015 in Japan and after that, it was released in the US on 24th February and on 27th February, it was launched in Europe.
It was also confirmed that Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 will only release on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and on PC through Steam. After Dragon Ball Xenoverse released, it was launched on older-generation consoles like PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Bandai Namco hasn’t revealed a lot of details involving Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 but according to popular reports, the upcoming sequel will feature the same mechanics, design and gameplay like the first title.
The same studio Dimps is working on it. According to Engadget, there will be new content in the sequel including a city hub, greater customization options, and extra characters. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, the same players will act as Time Patrollers and they will try to keep the history as it is, by going to various online and offline missions.
In Japan, the game will be released on PS4 only. Meanwhile, the western release is expected to be on all three popular platforms: PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Out of these three in Japan, PS4 is the most dominant platform. Xbox One is simply a no-go in Japan and therefore, it is right for the game to be limited to the PS4 console only.
The game continues after Dragon Ball Xenoverse which was released last year. Records suggest that it has already sold 2.5 million copies globally. You can be sure that this sequel will release because the original game was incredibly successful.
Sadly, the original Dragon Ball Xenoverse was launched on older-generation consoles like PS3 and Xbox 360 but Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 will not.
However, the upcoming sequel is totally dedicated to the latest generation hardware, which should make the title more optimized than its predecessor. From the looks of it, the developers will also optimize the game further for PlayStation 4. Similar to the first event, players will be able to time travel and fix various events in Dragon Ball’s narrative.
We all know that some of the characters in Dragon Ball are massively powerful and most of the combat is airborne. The first Xenoverse game handled it perfectly in the functional sense. Dimps should continue on the same path and fans will experience something which is as good if not better, than the original game.
A new teaser trailer for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 was released by Bandai Namco and it gives us a limited insight into the mission which fans need to complete. This mission deals with the protection of Dragon Ball. The teaser also talks about the past and future and the trailer ends in suspense.
Reports indicate that the outcomes we wished were different. From what we saw in the trailer, the game will feature an updated graphics engine and it will feature the return of known characters like Future Trunks and Frieza.