Halloween is here and it’s the best time to grab hold of games like Dragon Age Inquisition, The Sims 4, Battlefield Hardline and many more. These games and many more have been randomly discounted by EA for its Halloween sale.
More specifically, the Zomboss Invasion Sale where the baddie from Plants vs. Zombies has massively reduced prices on many prominent titles from EA.
You will find a lot of Halloween-themed stuff in there like Alice: Madness Returns, Dead Spaces, and The Sims 4: Spooky Stuff and much more. In fact, this is the perfect time for you to acquire all the Mass Effect, Dragon Age titles and don’t forget Battlefield as well.
Battlefield Hardline is available for £16.66 while Dragon Age Inquisition comes at a price of £14.99. Furthermore, they seem like pretty good prices. You will find some non-EA stuff here as well, like Witcher 2 and Tomb Raider, for a price of 4.49 pounds apiece. Furthermore, EA’s theme hospital is now free from the particular sale page.
Meanwhile, with just one purchase, players can literally enjoy everything that Dragon Age Inquisition has to offer, with the Dragon Age Inquisition Game of the Year Edition, the three major DLCs, the three add-on item packs, the Deluxe Edition Upgrade. This GOTY Edition will be available for players of PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
A retail copy of it can be picked up or purchased digitally from the platform of choice. According to the official site, Dragon Age Inquisition received more than 130 Game of the Year Awards and this makes the new edition, a must-have asset for any ardent Dragon Age fan.
In the beginning, players have to choose from four different races and make their own Inquisitor, either male or female. The Inquisitor can be a human, a Qunari, an elf or a dwarf in order to have their journey further customized while they progress through the story.
Later, the allies and the Inquisition will work on the main campaign, the Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent, and The Trespasser DLCs. You will get additional weapons and armor from several Spoils packs. Once you have completely beaten the story, the players can further enjoy the co-op multiplayer aspect of Dragon Age Inquisition.
There are also a number of DLCs in multiplayer which adds a lot of new character to recruit, new weapons to be found and much more. The DLCs are free and players can download them so that they can discover other players who have the same DLCs and various options enabled.
In the meantime, multiplayer events will continue to take place every weekend till BioWare declared otherwise. Meanwhile, Patch 11 was released before the launch of the GOTY edition of Dragon Age Inquisition.
The patch was primarily focused on resolving a few Trespasser DLC issues while addressing a few co-op multiplayer bugs as well. With the patch, the Red Lyrium weapons, which were earlier only available to players who completed the Dragon Age mini-game on the website, is presently available for everyone.
The stability of Dragon Age Inquisition was also significantly improved with the Patch 11 while improving the low damage of Explosive shot.
In the meantime, the Veilfire should occur less often in the multiplayer part of the game. Furthermore, players should no longer see single-player portraits in multiplayer. You should check out the BioWare blog for full notes in order to check out all the fixes present in Patch 11.
In late September, the release of the Game of the Year edition was announced. The continued support provided for co-op multiplayer challenges were noticed by The Inquisitr. Sadly, Dragon Age Inquisition might not get any Story-based DLCs. With the GOTY Edition, Dragon Age Inquisition comes to an end.