Half Life 3 Probably Won’t Release But Team Fortress 2 and Easter Eggs Keep the Faith Alive, More Information

He further said, “But you know if you want to do another Half-Life game and you want to ignore everything we’ve learned in shipping Portal 2 and in shipping all the updates on the multiplayer side, that seems like a bad choice,”

His words are quite confusing. In the end, it clearly means that Valve will develop and release Half-Life 3 if and when they want it and the final decision totally rests with them. Although Half-Life 3 hasn’t released, game developers have included hilarious Easter Eggs of this game in their titles.

At this point, all indications suggest that Half-Life 3 won’t be released but these little Easter Eggs make it a little more interesting and tolerable.

We already know about the Easter Eggs in Dying Light and the more recent Mad Max where Gordon Freeman (or a figure closely resembling him, very closely) was found lying dead with his hand severed off, clutching what appears to be a crowbar and the number 3 etched on the box it was lying on.

Meanwhile, an image was included in CS: GO which shows a humorous take on game testing and developing and the number of bugs discovered so far.

It’s Valve’s own game and they include Easter Eggs too?! Even in Shadow of Chernobyl, you have to undertake a mission hunt down Gordon Freeman and in the end, you can claim his PDA.

Stay tuned for more updates on Half-Life 3!