Guardians of the Galaxy 2, the sequel to the successful film is set to start production early next year. This will give the film ample time to be ready for its official release on May 4, 2017.
The writer and director of Guardians of the Galaxy, James Gunn, who will return to work on Guardians of the Galaxy 2 as well, answered fan queries related to the film via Periscope. Periscope is a live streaming app launched by Twitter and Gunn came out with production details while interacting with fans over it.
James Gunn has been keeping fans abreast with the developments in the making of the Guardians of the Galaxy 2. According to Yahoo! News, he announced that the production of the sequel will start filming in February 2016.
Guardians of the Galaxy released back in August 2014, and was a massive success at the box-office, earning a total of $774.1 million. The massive business that the film did surprised Marvel Studios and Disney Pictures, given that Guardians of the Galaxy was always considered to be second fiddle to the Avengers and other superhero films from the Marvel universe.
According to Gunn, this time round, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will be shot in the US, unlike the first installment that was shot in London. The film is set to be shot extensively in the Pinewood Atlanta Studio.
This is the same studio where Captain American: Civil War is being shot, and so the production for Guardians of the Galaxy can start only when the shoot for Civil War is wrapped up, and a new set is created. This means that we will be able to get updates only in the fall when Civil War is expected to be wrapped up.
Gunn is reportedly working hard on completing the script for Guardians of the Galaxy. He has already finished 70 pages of the script and is eyeing to get the whole thing wrapped up in the second half of the year.