One year after the launch, Online Heists have finally been introduced in Grand Theft Auto V. The update rolled out recently, providing 5GB of essential update to highly-anticipating GTA players worldwide. The feedback has been quite positive for all players who experienced Heists in its early form. If your console has been configured to receive updates automatically, you’ll just need to start the game in order to experience this new feature. However, it is recommended that you check out the updates before starting the game.
Reports indicate that GTA 5 Online Heists had a rough start, but the developers finally stepped in and cleared all issues with server glitches and random gender change issues. Heists got bogged down with heavy traffic, and the servers couldn’t handle it. Earlier, GTA announced that it will be going into maintenance on 12th March at 12am for 3 hours.
Rockstar recently announced that the maintenance period is over. On its support page, the gamers were thanked for their patience. In fact, the gamers have now started making use of cheats and cracking codes in order to get higher scores and ranks for this title. Presently, only a few cheats are available for you to try out. They will allow you to get ahead of other players while trying them out in-game.
Science Times reports that few codes will help players in many ways like presenting them with weapons and ammo, a longer jump swing, become invincible or increases your health and armor. All these codes work similar to the way they did in earlier GTA titles. Players should keep in mind that they need to enter these codes swiftly on their gamepad.
A list of the codes is given below!
Give Weapons and Ammo (
(SQUARE) (L1) (L1) (L1)
Activate Super Jump (
Get Invincible (
Maximize Armor and Health (
(RIGHT) (SQUARE) (L1) (L1) (L1)