In other news InnoGames introduced a new age in Forge of Empires. Players all over the world can unlock new techniques in The Arctic Future. They can also unlock new buildings and units in this frosty era.
The new era has been divided into four parts for the first time in the history of Forge of Empires. Each of them has its release date. The brand new content segments will be spaced so that players are offered regular unique gameplay features.
A video was released by InnoGames. It featured game designers Kai and Thi talking about the recent additions. Once players unlock The Arctic Future a new building’s construction site appears in the city.
With the release of the second content players will be able to begin their expeditions to the Arctic starting from that building. Players in this era will gain access to fourteen new buildings in the game and three new troops. Players will be interested in fighting in snow and ice-themed battlefields.
Meanwhile Expeditions are restarted every week and players in Iron Age or higher can easily participate.
Stay tuned for more updates on Forge of Empires!