People have been expecting Voice Calling feature to be added in WhatsApp ever since it was acquired by Facebook, keeping in mind the new changes promised by the present owner. It was first introduced in February, but only a select few users were invited to try it out. After that, the first Beta version allowed an Android user to enable Voice calling after being called by a WhatsApp user lucky enough to activate call support earlier.
In the end, the stable version, which automatically enables this feature, was uploaded in Google Play. With this new feature, WhatsApp has taken a significant leap forward, thereby competing with other applications with VoIP support.
Facebook bought WhatsApp at a time when it had 500 million worldwide users. With a year, 200 million more registered and are currently using it to converse with their loved ones. Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg risked a lot by investing $19 billion on this application but presently its value is 23 billion dollars. Within a year, the number of active users will surpass a billion since around 1 million are registering daily. Till now, Skype and Viber were all the rage due to their Voice Calling support and they provide excellent HD call support.
However, Skype comes first when it comes to voice-calling, and more PC users than mobile users prefer calling on it. Meanwhile, WhatsApp is dealing with bugs that are known to end conversations abruptly in some cases. It consumes almost the same data as Skype, but the voice call quality is inferior.
Meanwhile, there hasn’t been an update regarding call-making facility to landlines and generic mobile numbers. People are hoping that it will be added with the latest update. Keep in mind that WhatsApp evolution hasn’t stopped, and a lot more updates will be released in the coming weeks. Right now, you can download the 2.12.30 version from the official website or keep checking for updates regularly.