Reports of the spinoff were further confirmed by the actor himself. The 43 year old reported that he was meeting different studios for the spinoff. Johnson spoke with the media and said that he did have a long talk with the studio about the spinoff and is very hopeful about it.
When asked about Fast and the Furious 8, he said that a lot of space has been created for the character in 7th instalment of the film, so the stage is all set for the character to come out at large.
We are yet to have any further details about the spinoff. As of now, the fans will have him star in Fast and the Furious 8, which is due for release on the 14th of April 2017. It is a long wait for the fans, but given that Fast and the Furious 7 is still earning off the theatres fans have to be patient for the next instalment of the movie.