Recent reports indicate that Bethesda Studios is finally ready to pay some attention to Elder Scrolls 6 and focus on its development after 10th November, when the post-apocalyptic role-playing game, Fallout 4 is finally released for consoles like PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, along with PC.
However, after 10th November, Bethesda will be focusing its concentration on the development of DLCs for Fallout 4, followed by the development of DLCs for Elder Scrolls Online, the further development of Battlecry and ultimately the development of Fallout 4. It will all take place in this particular order.
The development of downloadable content packs for Fallout 4 and Elder Scrolls Online should be quite instantaneous for the game developer since the platform for these games are quite set. They will not require much creativity, compared to the development of a completely new game, altogether.
In the Electronic Entertainment Expo of 2015, Bethesda might have indicated that Elder Scrolls 6 will be the primary game to be showcased at E3 2016 but in the end, the fact remains that it will be developed after the development of Battlecry has been completed. However, reports indicate that Bethesda might be having some problems regarding the development of Battlecry.
However, gamers will understand that one of the great qualities about Bethesda is that they are always focused on their vision. They are absolutely aware of what they are and they never run after market appeal and popularity by adding various unwanted elements to their game.
For example, in the present gaming industry, almost all developers are including multiplayer modes with their single-player titles but you will not see this happening with any of Bethesda’s games.
The company hasn’t developed or included multiplayer in any of their titles so far. At the same time, the inclusion of a multiplayer aspect in one of Bethesda’s releases is something that is worth considering and quite exciting at the same time. Right now, it’s quite late for Fallout 4 but the next Elder Scrolls game could have a multiplayer feature included in it.
However, there are certain arguments and points going against the multiplayer mode. For example, during the development of multiplayer, the developer will be taking away resources that could have been used in making the single-player mode of Elder Scrolls 6 even better.
The addition of such elements result in the focus of this game getting diluted and ultimately the game’s single player campaign is compromised. During the recent BioWare releases, complaints like this have been duly considered.
In recent times, there has been a lot of speculation regarding the addition of a multiplayer feature in Elder Scrolls 6. All the fans of Bethesda clearly know that Elder Scrolls 6 didn’t have a multiplayer feature so far and this was due to a number of disadvantages involving the title.
However, Pramath from Gaming Bolt countered the fact by declaring that it is high time for Bethesda to include the multiplayer aspect in Elder Scrolls 6 and there are many more ways through which the developers can work around these deficits.
Since introducing a multiplayer aspect means the compromise of single-player resources, the single-player gameplay needs to be reworked to a great extent. According to Pramath, there should be a co-op gameplay which comes with high level quests that perform like raids and come with the inclusion of high-level monsters at the end of it all.
When players complete quests and defeat these monsters, they will gain access to high-level gear and loot which is quite difficult to achieve in the single-player mode itself. Right now, this is quite possible in a single-player game.
Meanwhile, through PC Gamer, the developer recently released a statement declaring that they have certain concerns over the Battlecry game and they wonder whether it can meet the objectives that they have for it.
Battlecry isn’t being developed by Bethesda… Neither is Elder Scrolls Online.. or Dishonored 2… or Doom… Bethesda is just the publisher on those titles. All Bethesda is actually developing themselves are the fallout series and elder scrolls series for now.
The next Elder Scrolls game is very unlikely to have multiplayer as it’s not a multiplayer type of game. Fallout and Elder Scrolls have always been that way, and likely always will. It just wouldn’t fit well. Bethesda’s title are single player for a reason. It’s the same reasons the Witcher series would never have multiplayer, or Thief, or Dishonored, or many other single player games.
Battlecry isn’t being developed by Bethesda… Neither is Elder Scrolls Online.. or Dishonored 2… or Doom… Bethesda is just the publisher on those titles. All Bethesda is actually developing themselves are the fallout series and elder scrolls series for now.
The next Elder Scrolls game is very unlikely to have multiplayer as it’s not a multiplayer type of game. Fallout and Elder Scrolls have always been that way, and likely always will. It just wouldn’t fit well. Bethesda’s title are single player for a reason. It’s the same reasons the Witcher series would never have multiplayer, or Thief, or Dishonored, or many other single player games.