The executive producers of the TV series, Agent Carter recently revealed that the show is set to have some tie-ins with Doctor Strange universe. The zero matter or darkforce of Doctor Strange universe was incorporated into the show in the premiere episode of the second season.
The season two premiere of the showed that the character of Jason Wilkes was exposed to the zero matter in an explosion and has been missing since the incident. Another character of the show, Whitney Frost was also exposed to this zero matter in the premiere episode. This zero matter was identified as the darkforce from the universe of Doctor Strange.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, showrunners, Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters shed some light on the matter. Fazekas stated that they wanted to explore deeper into the Marvel Universe and thus they decided to incorporate the darkforce into the show.
He further stated that since the show is set in 1947, people do not possess an idea about what this strange thing is and thus they gave it the name- zero matter. Tara Butters added that both the characters of Jason and Whitney will be both mentally and physically affected by the exposure to the zero matter.
Stay tuned for more update on Doctor Strange.