Presently, Cartoon HD has a new domain through which it can offer free shows and movies on any device and it’s named CartoonHD.TV. The anonymous developers of the modern day freeware application announced it through their Twitter account on 24th April. Around two days later, Cartoon HD started looking for a server that would host its new domain. Around a day later, they got hold of their server and started encouraging viewers to start watching free TV shows and movies and share the news with their family and friends.
According to the Twitter page of Cartoon HD, they have been quite busy of late. They even declared the idea to users that people can now watch Live TV from any network worldwide via PC and they also provided a Cartoon HD link that showed them how to do it. On 5th May, Cartoon HD developers even asked its followers to make #CartoonHD popular on Twitter so that they can bring back this application to the mobile devices like it used to be in the past.
Relating to their recent approaches, it’s not yet clear how huge support can make the platform-operating companies bring Cartoon HD back, keeping in mind the amount of heat this app has been getting from various TV networks and film companies, as its reportedly ‘taking away a good portion of their revenues’. The developers of this Cartoon HD application are relying on a huge number of user downloads in order to seal the secure fate of this application among worldwide users.
It is their initiative in order to make Cartoon HD one of the world’s most popular video-streaming applications. Using Cartoon HD, users can gain access to thousands of latest TV shows, movies and cartoons, totally for free. These videos can be directly seen on the application and hence it is important for viewers to first download and then start watching them.
The best piece of news is that viewers don’t need to sign up or pay for any subscription for the entertainment they are being offered. According to Cartoon HD, it’s a ‘no-strings attached’ method of enjoying one’s favorite media. However, in order to survive, the Cartoon HD developers have urged users to open their browsers and search Cartoon HD in Google. As soon as they notice, they simply need to click on it and thankfully users will have effortlessly helped them out.