When it comes to preventing hackers from jailbreaking their latest Apple iOS, Apple may enjoy the upper hand. This prevents the hackers from releasing a jailbreak tool every time they update their OS. They are constantly making some updates that in turn are being created in the form of some minor upgrade and this further leads to some sort of a mini operating system.
From the looks of it, jailbreak developers like Pangu and TaiG have made significant developments and they are now on the hunt to achieve what Apple actually promises to eliminate. This deals with the jailbreak of iOS 9.2.1 and their latest mobile operating system, iOS 9.3.
The jailbreak for iOS 9.2.1 was recently released by the TaiG group and it has been receiving several commendations from Apple users. It helps them in installing Cydia and other jailbreak features quite easily and quickly.
If you are actually using your Apple device, you can start with the process of jailbreaking your Apple device that runs on iOS 9.2.1. It might lack some features of jailbreak but it helps really a lot in keeping you updated with the latest news regarding a complete jailbreak tool along with other news from the jailbreak community.
The latest jailbreak tool is quite easy and even if you decided to remove it from your device, you can again install it quite easily. A Windows and Mac jailbreak tool has also been promised by TaiG for iOS 9.2.1. The latest iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak tool is compatible iPhone, iMac and iPad.
Meanwhile, Pangu declared that they have released a jailbreak tool for iOS 9.2 last March 11th. Sadly, for people who have Apple devices running on iOS version higher than 9.1 can no longer avail this upgrade since Apple has stopped the service of downgrading their device. As a result, you can only enjoy this jailbreak from Pangu is you haven’t updated your device.
Meanwhile, there was a new video released by YouTube user iCrackUriDevice and it revealed that iOS 9.3 is coming soon. It was never specifically revealed as to when this will be coming but this development is something that we should look forward to.
In case you are not aware, jailbreaking is the process of negating the manufacturer’s predetermined settings of your smartphone or tablet and gain more control over your device. This is probably one of the biggest reasons why most iPhone and iPad users look forward to various kinds of jailbreak tools.
However, they need to wait for some time before they have access to such tools since Apple continues to strengthen its security with all kinds of iOS releases. This makes it really difficult for jailbreak teams to find loops in the new software version.
This definitely holds true for the people who are running iOS 9.2 and 9.2.1. According to claims from many hackers, the two versions have been jailbroken and they also have evidence of their successful jailbreak.
Sadly, they haven’t released any information to the public and this leaves many iOS users scratching their heads.
Pangu hasn’t released their own version of iOS 9.2 and 9.2.1 yet due to which a lot of people are wondering whether they will be released in the future or not. Right now, it seems that Apple users have a couple of options with them.
should i upgrade to 9.3 on my i6 or stay at 9.2.1 pls reply fast
should i upgrade to 9.3 on my i6 or stay at 9.2.1 pls reply fast
No need to
No need to
It absolutely baffles me that people are so impatient. why would you update your device when there is no jb tool for it yet?? let’s say that the situation for 9.3 & 9.2.1 are exactly the same as the 9.2 & 9.1 situation. if you updated to 9.2 & beyond with no jb tool, you were sh!t out of luck when they dropped the 9.1 jb. Also, no amount of whining and being a keyboard warrior on comment sections of jb articles will make the jb arrive any sooner. just sit tight, don’t upgrade and try not to wet your pants. you have absolutely zero control.
It absolutely baffles me that people are so impatient. why would you update your device when there is no jb tool for it yet?? let’s say that the situation for 9.3 & 9.2.1 are exactly the same as the 9.2 & 9.1 situation. if you updated to 9.2 & beyond with no jb tool, you were sh!t out of luck when they dropped the 9.1 jb. Also, no amount of whining and being a keyboard warrior on comment sections of jb articles will make the jb arrive any sooner. just sit tight, don’t upgrade and try not to wet your pants. you have absolutely zero control.