Ramsay is bloodied and Jon would have killed him then and there. However, he looked at his sister Sansa and stopped the clobbering. Ramsay is seen waking up tied and helpless in front of his own starving hounds.
A hound starts licking his bloody face and eventually starts eating his flesh as he screams in pain. Sansa is seen standing outside the gate and as he starts screaming, she turns back and starts walking away with a smile of satisfaction on her face.
The trailer for the final episode of the season has been released and it shows Cersei who is preparing for her trial. Jamie Lannister and Walder Frey are seen at a banquet. It is also seen that Ser Davos is demanding to know what Melisandre did to princess Shireen.
Bran Stark will also be making an appearance in the episode and fans are assuming that the truth behind about the Tower of Joy will finally be revealed in the upcoming episode. It is also being assumed that Petyr Baelish will finally confess his true feelings for Sansa Stark in the final episode of the season.
Game of Thrones season 6 episodes 10 will air on June 26, Sunday, on HBO.
Stay tuned for more updates on Game of Thrones.