Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show is a favorite show for many viewers. With Suicide Squad now right around the corner, the cast from the film are making appearances on The Tonight Show. Jimmy Fallon recently hosted Will Smith on his show, and Smith made not one or two, but four grand entrances.
Smith was first introduced by Jimmy Fallon as one of the biggest stars on the planet, and he came in with the whole audience giving him a standing ovation. Upon seeing the grand gesture made by the members of the audience, Will Smith decided to return once more, making a better entrance.
This time, Smith came out in a human hamster ball and almost toppled The Roots, the in-house band for Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show. While the audience couldn’t stop cheering, Will Smith still wasn’t entirely happy with the entrance. While he said it was better than his first, it wasn’t perfect.
Will Smith came out for the third time with a troupe of disco dancers. He showed his mean moves, and the audience at Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show were cheering on. If you think that third time did the trick for Will Smith you are mistaken. He went backstage once again only to emerge for his fourth and final appearance, this time on a horse.
The actor sat atop a white horse sporting a unicorn horn, while a gospel choir sang his introduction. A red carpet was spread out as he came in and confetti was strewn from the ceiling, and there was an actor in a giant panda suit dancing on the stage.
Jimmy Fallon came out to let this audience know that Suicide Squad is a brilliant film. He even went to congratulate Will Smith for his role in the movie and said that since Will Smith is a natural when it comes to action movies, the role came naturally to him. Suicide Squad has created a significant buzz since it was under production and there is a lot of hope riding on the film, in particular on the role of Joker, played by Jared Leto.
The Thursday night appearance of Will Smith from Suicide Squad is going to be followed by Margot Robbie, on Friday.
Margot Robbie played the role of Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad. Given the crazy antics of Will Smith on The Tonight Show, it is going to be fun to watch. Margot Robbie revealed to Jimmy Fallon that she has a passion for tattooing. She said that she has bought a tattoo gun from eBay and has been practicing on her friends like Cara Delevingne.
Jimmy Fallon interviews Will Smith and Margot Robbie for launch of Suicide SquadJimmy Fallon got Margot Robbie to play a game of Jinx, and the pair got some hilarious answers, much to the delight of the fans. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Jimmy Fallon and Margot Robbie wore a jinx glove and looked forward to giving the same answers. The two of them managed three jinxes where they gave the same answer.
There were some funny moments where Margot Robbie named guava when asked to name a fruit, and Jimmy Fallon couldn’t wrap his head around the idea that someone could come up with guava as the first fruit that comes to their mind. Robbie even ended up saying meat pie when they had to name a type of pie, instead of the apple pie, which Jimmy Fallon went for. She covered it up saying that it was an Australian thing.