Trend Color of 2017 Was Named

Greenery is not only green foliage or vegetation, it is also a trend color of 2017 according to prediction of the Pantone Color Institute. This lush yellow-green shade represents nature that awakes in early spring time with first tender leaves and fresh grass. This color choice tends to make people connected with the beauty of natural world, bring new breath, passions and vitalization, being a symbol of new beginning.

Greenery is expected to gain popularity in urban planning, architecture, and design solutions worldwide. This life-affirming shade will reflect people’s need in harmony with inner self and natural environment.

Also Greenery is an optimistic color. “We know what kind of world we are living in: one that is very stressful and very tense,“ said the executive director of the Pantone Color Institute Leatrice Eiseman. “This is the color of hopefulness, and of our connection to nature. It speaks to what we call the ‘re’ words: regenerate, refresh, revitalize, renew. Every spring we enter a new cycle and new shoots come from the ground. It is something life affirming to look forward to.”

Every year the Pantone Color Institute symbolically chooses a new color that will serve as an expression of a mood and an attitude of the global culture. Previous year’s choice was Rose Quartz and Serenity, combining compassion and ability to relax.

Meanwhile the choice of the year and authority of the Pantone Color Institute that claims itself the “global color authority,” is being criticized, Vogue embraces the prediction, providing the best Greenery fashion looks at their page.

photo credit: Merixon Expectation via photopin (license)