Simon Baker, who played the role of Detective Patrick Jane in the popular series The Mentalist, has contributed his growth as an actor to the popular television series. Baker has been the face of the show and been a part of the series for all the seven seasons.
The Australian actor has always wanted to be a director and ever since he started working in the series he had decided to use it as a film school. According to Just Jared, Baker didn’t want to do TV after The Guardian, but then The Mentalist came along his way and he decided to use it as a platform to train himself as a director.
The Mentalist had premiered in 2008 and it had had a very successful run. Baker had always been interested in donning the hat of the director and after his stint in the popular series he is confident about his new role. He learnt the ropes of directing, from time management to how to develop the script to casting and scouting for locations.
Simon Baker is interested in making a film adaptation of Tim Winton’s famous novel, Breath. The actor is going to be the director, co-writer, and producer and will also be starring in the film. To be shot in Western Australian coast, the film will be set in a small 1970s town.
The film will see The Mentalist star playing the role of a lonesome surfer who will bring two teenage boys under his wings to push them to new limits of recklessness.
With The Mentalist wrapped up with the seventh season, Simon Baker decided to get into the business of getting his directorial debut rolling and he was spotted in Cannes where he spoke to producers for the funding of the project.
Fans of The Mentalist are still hoping that there is a Season 8, but things are over for good. In an interview with TV Guide, Simon Baker said that the series was started with the revenge plot to find Red John. In due course Bradley Whitford, who was believed to be Red John, was killed and the series moved on to different storylines including the Jane-Lisbon love story.
The Mentalist was wrapped up in a fitting manner that answered all the queries of the fans and also saw a wedding between Jane and Lisbon, which fans have been waiting to see for a very long time. With everything taken care of, Simon Baker believes that it was the perfect time to wrap things up.