Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Games are known as MOBAs and are highly popular all throughout the world. They have the capability of earning millions of dollars in various International eSports Competitions. Most of these games feature a teamwork pattern with one team fighting against the other.
Each of these teams has five players each and leads to a highly competitive level of gameplay. These teams also known as ‘clans’ come from all around the world.
DoTA 2 is currently the most famous MOBA game in the world and has millions of followers, fans and players worldwide. There are numerous tournaments held every year, with prize pools in the millions.
These games require teamwork to succeed but players keep coming back to learn playing unique heroes and various gameplay strategies based on these heroes. Although it sounds simple, the inherent processes are far more complex. As a player, you need to understand how your hero will be able to support another from your team.
At the same time, you need to develop combo attack strategies in DoTA 2, which are essential for a win. However, you need to understand what kind of a MOBA player you are.
‘Heroes of the Storm’ by Blizzard is a new kid on the block and let’s see how it competes with DoTA 2. Although either of these titles have similar gameplay mechanics, there are major differences in key areas.
The MOBA phenomenon started with Blizzard’s Defense of the Ancients. It happened when people made a mod of Warcraft 3 with heroes pitted against each other.
Few years back, Valve developed its own version of the game with Source Engine graphics and created a standalone title. Another game of this genre is League of Legends and is heavily focused on many eSports competitions.
However, each of these MOBA games are quite complex in nature. This is where Heroes of the Storm by Blizzard steps in. It has been widely available for a few weeks now and Blizzard has introduced a whole new perspective on how MOBA titles should be played.
Blizzard has removed a lot of complexity in MOBA titles and made it more accessible and playable for beginners. The developers have added their own flavor with various objectives and maps. ‘Heroes of the Storm’ clearly points out that ‘MOBAs’ don’t need to be complex in order to be fun.
However, don’t think for a moment that this has hampered DoTA 2’s success in any manner. Everyone DoTA fan was aware of the fact that this year’s Compendium would be a huge success but i guess even Valve was surprised with how it all turned out. After its announcement, $15million was the dream total.
Many of us wondered if this was even possible. However, this amount was reached by DoTA around two weeks ago which is a complete month before TI5 is scheduled for kick-off. Currently, the prize pool is well above 16million dollars and still counting!
In this year’s compendium, the players have already unlocked new cursors, emoticons, loading screens, taunts, wards, a HUD skin, new terrain, a courier, an announcer pack, a courier pack, a music pack, a lot of Immortals and new weather effects.
Is there anything else that Valve could possibly add after this? Gamers are wondering whether Valve will launch one of the unreleased heroes from the original DoTA.
The last hero to be released in DoTA 2 was Winter Wyvern and that was way back in February. It’s been a long time since we saw a new hero. There is a complete possibility of a new hero releasing this year as last year, we received Techies.
DoTA 2 Gamepedia states that presently there are only two heroes missing- Arc Warden and Abyssal Underworld. Will one of these heroes release during this year’s tournament?
However, the 15 million mark has been reached and Valve is no longer obligated to release any new characters. If you haven’t received the new goodies released this year, check out your Inventory, I’m sure you’ll be delighted.