Suicide Squad is an upcoming American superhero film that has been directed by David Ayer. The film will be starring Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney, Scott Eastwood, Jay Hernandez and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje.
It is a known fact that Jared Leto will be portraying the character of The Joker in the upcoming movie. The 44-year-old actor applied method acting to hold up the character in the best possible way on-screen.
In the process of getting into the character of The Joker, he resorted to some weird antiques on the sets of the film. Viola Davis who plays the character of Amanda Waller in the film previously stated that Leto had sent a dead pig as a gift for the cast of the Suicide Squad.
Apparently, the actor had a henchman who would bring these weird gifts for the cast. Davis revealed that this particular henchman brought the dead pig and just threw it on the table and then left.
It was not the only weird gift that the actor sent to the cast of the film. Will Smith who plays the character of Deadshot in the film was sent bullets by Leto. That apart, Leto sent a rat to his co-star Margot Robbie who portrays the character of Harley Quinn in the movie.
Davis stated that the rat was sent to Robbie in a box and it was still alive when she opened it. Jay Hernandez who plays El Diablo in the movie also received a mysteriously wrapped package from Leto. Hernandezrevealed on Instagram that the inside of the package gave a glimpse into the mind of a man.
As for the rat that Margot Robbie received, she revealed that she had kept it as a pet. She confessed that initially she was disgusted by it and also extremely scared of it. She said that a number of people suggested that she should kill off the pesky rodent. However, she decided against it and instead got it some things to play with and kept it as her pet.
At the current moment though, the rat is no longer in the possession of Robbie. Instead it is now a property of Guillermo del Toro. Guillermo del Toro recently stated that the rat has been named Venustiano and it is currently living with him and his family in Toronto.
Coming back to the matter of Jared Leto, the actor stated that he had a lot of fun playing The Joker. He revealed that whatever he did on the sets, he did it through “the eyes of The Joker.”
When he was enquired about whether he found it challenging to create his own version of The Joker after the character had been formerly immortalized on-screen by an amazing performance by the late Heath Ledger, he stated that he found it interesting to take up the challenge.
David Ayer, the director of Suicide Squad revealed that the entire cast and crew of the film maintained a certain distance form Jared Leto. He further added that Leto’s performance as The Joker has been a hair-raising one.
In the recently held Oscars event, Leto stated that Suicide Squad will feature Merkins. For the uninitiated, merkin is a pubic wig or in simpler words an artificial covering of hair for the pubic area.
Leto even posted a picture of the same on his Twitter account along with a post which read- Yes I said MERKIN. This has sparked rumors that it is Leto himself who will be wearing this particular thing in the movie.