The display is quite sharp and vibrant but Samsung Galaxy S6 has taken smartphone displays to the next level. On the processor front, the Xperia Z3 had a Snapdragon 2.5GHz 801 CPU, with 32-bit architecture and 3GB RAM. Compared to that, the Xperia Z4 is has an upgraded 2.0GHz Snapdragon 810 processor, with 64-bit architecture and 3GB of RAM. In the power stakes, there has been a clean improvement. While the Z3 ran on last year’s best CPU, the Z4 works with its replacement. In the camera department, the primary camera retains the same 20.7 megapixel shooter but the secondary camera has been upgraded to 5.0 megapixels. As a result, you should be able to produce some really vibrant selfies.
The Sony Xperia Z4 will be a worth upgrade over the Z3 in terms of cutting-edge hardware support. However, Sony needs to step up their game and bring major changes in their user-interface. It’s been the same for quite some time now. The Sony Xperia Z3 was launched with KitKat OS and the Z4 has been introduced with Android Lollipop 5.0. Hopefully, it will soon receive the latest Android 5.1 update as well.
Do you think the Z4 is a worthy upgrade over the Sony Xperia Z3? Stay tuned for more updates on Xperia Z3!