The London Comic Con shed some light on what fans can expect fromNCIS: LA Season 8. It is believed that the season will deal with the dark side of Deek’s character and actor Eric Christian Olsen, who plays the role of Deek, spoke more on the issue. Olsen said that Deek has to learn to keep his violent behavior under check.
Deek had ended up killing his father when his father was carrying a gun and had been abusive to his mother. He again ended up killing a cop to protect a girl. This clearly shows that Deek has an issue in trying to control his violent nature when it comes to dealing with violent acts, especially when it comes to women he has to protect.
However, Deek will have to change himself since he is now with Kensi(Daniela Ruah) and there is a possibility of him proposing to her in NCIS: LA Season 8. It was the new showrunner, Scott Gemmill who hinted at the possibility of Deek popping the question. However, he made it very clear that a formal proposal is going to be shown in the next season.
According to Christian Today, Deek will be able to get a grip on his violent streak thanks to Kensi’s presence in his life. He will realize that he doesn’t want to treat Kensi the way his father treated his mother, and that is going to stop him from letting loose his violent nature. It is also his fear of becoming the monster that he so hated that will stop him from following in his father’s footsteps.
Gemmill added that he wants Deek to pop the question to Kensi, but he and his team can’t seem to figure out how to go about it. They are still working on it, and he assured the fans that the moment is going to happen soon since it has been a long wait.
NCIS: LA Season 8 will show Deek and Kensi trying to figure out what to do; marriage is going to be a difficult one since neither of them will be able ready to sacrifice their career.
As reported by Hofmag, the writers of NCIS: LA Season 8 recently had a session in the writers’ room where they spoke things out. Series executive producer, John Peter Kousakis has revealed that NCIS: LA Season 8 is going to be an exciting one and fans aren’t going to be disappointed.
The premiere date for NCIS: LA Season 8 had been revealed by John Peter Kousakis, and it has been decided for 2nd October.
The wait is indeed going to be a long way and more so since both NCIS: New Orleans and NCIS are going to premiere before NCIS: LA Season 8. However, given the scoop that the executive producers and showrunners have revealed, the fans shouldn’t have an issue in waiting since they know that it is going to be worth it.
There is one thing that fans of NCIS: LA Season 8 want to know, and that is what plan has the creator come up with for Kensi in the upcoming season. When Kensi was expecting her first son during NCIS: LA Season 5, the producers had given her a good story and had sent her to Afghanistan. Daniella Ruah is expecting her second child around Fall, and there is no way that she can be a part of NCIS: LA Season 8.